Regional School Unit 71

41 Lions Way,  PO BOX 325, Belfast, ME  04915 | P: (207) 338-1960

RSU 71 Pre K Survey 24/25

RSU 71 is in the early stages of investigating our Early Childhood Education programs in order to address State mandates regarding preschool services. We are asking you to share feedback about our current programming and why you chose or did not choose to participate in our programming.  

Please take the survey by clicking this link. Thank you in advance for sharing your views.

Bus Routes
For Parents
Food Service
Board of Directors Info
School Nurses
All RSU 71 Calendars Icon
Infinite Campus for Parents
Home Learning Resources
Superintendent of Schools

Getting Here

We are located at 41 Lions Way     Belfast, ME 04915

RSU 71 Addressing Racism Through Education and Action

Read the RSU 71 Plan here